Friday, May 29, 2020

Chongqing police cracked a case of making and selling cross-border VPN software

CCTV Chongqing, December 13 (Reporter Chen Peng) Recently, the police in Shapingba District of Chongqing recently investigated and dealt with a case of illegal production and sales of cross-border VPN network software in the special operation of "Net Net 2019". During the investigation, the police found that the VPN was used by people with ulterior motives to access overseas web sites and to carry out cyber fraud, cyber attacks and other related illegal acts. Through the careful investigation in the early stage, the Shapingba police successfully arrested the suspect Ma in a residential building in Hebei District, Tianjin. At the scene, the police seized one computer, one mobile phone and several mobile hard drives.

After questioning, the suspect Ma explained that since March 2018, he rented 13 servers in the United States, Japan, Russia, Singapore and other countries or regions to build a VPN, and posted a large number of posts in the forum to promote and recommend sales to users. According to statistics, during this period, Ma has sold to more than 600 people in total, with a total profit of more than 200,000 yuan. Because Mamou privately established a VPN and provided it to others, in order to make a profit and a large amount, he will be held criminally responsible.

At present, Ma has been criminally detained by the public security organ, and the case is being further processed.

Police reminded: In 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology clearly stipulated that VPN was formally included in the scope of supervision. Without the approval of the telecommunications authority, it is not allowed to establish or rent VPN. The current behavior of making and selling cross-border VPN software is not a telecommunications value-added licensing business. It should be regarded as a category of Internet information network services. To provide such services, the relevant provisions of the "Network Security Law" should be followed, and the laws and regulations should not be fulfilled The relevant liability obligations stipulated that constitute a crime will be subject to criminal liability.

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