Saturday, March 23, 2024


 对你来说,VPN 主要是用来翻墙回国或者翻墙至海外,可以说它是你无限制自由上网的刚需。但是 VPN 在世界上其他没有墙的国家或地区需求也很大,这是为什么呢?因为其实除了解除网络封锁之外,VPN 还有很多其他作用。

在选择 VPN 的时候,大多数人的第一考虑肯定都是免费VPN。本文将详细阐述如何挑选安全可靠的免费 VPN,推荐一些大家能用的 iOS、安卓、Mac、Windows 等电脑免费 VPN;同时,你有必要知道使用免费 VPN 是有风险的,这样更有安全保障。


免费 VPN 推荐

首先,免费 VPN 怎么选?这里有一些标准你可以参考一下:

100%免费 — 很多 VPN 服务商会以免费试用和退款保证来吸引新用户,但是严格来说,这种不算100%免费。

安全保障 — 既然标榜自己是 VPN,就应该具备基本的安全功能,比如加密算法、无日志政策、拆分隧道等。

速度表现 — 这对免费 VPN 来说不容易,因为厂商通常只会提供极少量的免费服务器,这样容易造成服务器拥堵,拖慢速度,甚至掉线。

操作简单 — 免费 VPN 是很多小白使用 VPN 的必经之路,所以简单的下载、安装、使用步骤是很重要的。


总部位于瑞士,PrivadoVPN 有免费和付费两个版本。免费版本永久免费,每月提供10GB 免费流量,支持流媒体解锁和种子下载,有12个免费 VPN 服务器节点,分布在9个国家,包括美国、英国、墨西哥、德国、法国、瑞士、加拿大、荷兰和巴西,兼容 Windows 电脑、macOS、iOS、Android、FireTV 和 AndroidTV。最大的限制是 PrivadoVPN 仅允许1台设备同时登录你的免费账户。

总部位于马来西亚, 提供免费和付费两个版本 VPN 下载。与付费版相比,免费版本每月有10GB 流量,允许一台设备同时连接,提供5个免费服务器节点,位于新加坡、荷兰、加拿大、美国东部和西部。无广告弹窗,支持零日志政策,提供强大的隐私安全保护,免费版本也有客服支持。兼容 Windows、Mac、iOS、安卓、Linux、谷歌浏览器、火狐浏览器。

Atlas VPN

Atlas VPN 总部位于美国,有付费和免费两个版本,其永久免费 VPN 版本每月提供10GB 流量,且不限速度,这适用于 Android、Windows、iOS、Android TV、Amazon Fire TV 用户,Mac 用户甚至每日可获得2GB 免费流量,非常充足。但是只提供3个免费服务器节点,分别位于荷兰、洛杉矶和纽约,允许2台设备同时在线,支持种子下载,但是无法解锁流媒体。


总部位于瑞士日内瓦,ProtonVPN 提供免费和付费两个版本。免费版本永久免费,提供美国、日本和新西兰3个免费服务器节点,无流量和带宽限制,无广告弹窗。隐私安全方面,支持零日志政策,不记录用户活动,采用 AES 256位加密技术,内置 DNS 泄漏保护和拆分隧道等功能,可有效地保护你的隐私和数据安全。兼容安卓、iOS、Windows、MacOS、GNU/Linux。

Hotspot Shield

总部位于美国,Hotspot Shield 提供付费版和免费 VPN 下载,免费版本每天提供500 MB 的流量,相当于每月15GB 免费流量,速度限制在2Mbps,即大概200kb/s 的下载速度,只有一个美国节点可用,使用过程中有广告,无法解锁流媒体,不提供在线客服支持。采用专用 Hydra VPN 协议,256-AES 加密,内置恶意软件和网络钓鱼点过滤功能。兼容 Windows、Mac、iOS、Android 和谷歌浏览器。


总部位于美国,TunnelBear 提供付费和免费 VPN 两种服务,免费版每月提供500MB 流量,可以通过分享给好友来增加流量,但是也不多。采用256-AES 加密,无广告弹窗,支持零日志政策,不收集和出售用户的隐私和数据。兼容所有主流的设备,包括 Windows,macOS,iOS 和 Android,此外,它还为 Google Chrome、Firefox 和 Opera 等提供专用的浏览器插件。

使用免费 VPN 的风险

你应该也注意到了,我们建议的其实都是付费 VPN 的免费版本,通常带有速度或流量限制,这其实也是 VPN 提供商吸引新用户的一种方式,最终目的都是引导免费用户升级成为付费订阅者。但不管怎么说,这都比那些完全免费的 VPN 要可靠得多,大品牌不会轻易做伤害自己信誉的事情,所以使用起来更有安全保障。

因此,如果上面推荐的免费 VPN 在你所在国家用不了,或者你不满意这诸多速度和流量限制,我们也不鼓励你去下载、使用那些所谓的完全免费的 VPN,相信笔者,完全免费的 VPN 用起来速度也快不到哪儿去。

世上没有免费的午餐,免费的 VPN 为什么免费?服务商不是搞慈善的,开发免费 VPN 需要购买服务器,雇佣开发人员,维护服务器也要成本,他们靠什么赚钱?以下是免费 VPN 常用的几种盈利方式以及免费 VPN 存在的安全风险。

1. 利用内置广告赚钱
这类免费 VPN 一般会内置广告。在启动 VPN 连接的时候通常会让你观看几十秒的广告视频,或者提供一些诱惑性的页面诱导你去点击,关闭按钮通常不显眼,一不小心就会点击到这些链接,然后就会进入钓鱼网站或者其他危险网站,这样 VPN 提供商都可以赚到广告费。

2. 收集并出售数据
一些免费 VPN 会直接在隐私条款里写明,他们会跟广告商共享您的个人信息和数据,以此针对你的喜好进行广告推荐,从而提高广告点击的概率,这样一来,他们可以赚到更高的广告费。当然,大部分免费 VPN 是不会提前告知你的,也就是说,你会在不知情的情况下被窃取个人信息和在线数据。

3. 病毒软件伪装成免费 VPN
这种免费 VPN 虽然少,但也不是没有。有黑客会把病毒软件伪装成免费 VPN,用户下载安装之后根本无法使用;相反,这些恶意软件会偷偷在后台收集你的身份证、银行卡等敏感数据,还会收集你常用网站和 APP 的登录信息,造成账号被盗。

Sunday, January 3, 2021

SurfEasy VPN评论2020

SurfEasy是使用OpenVPN和AES-256加密的无日志记录VPN。其适用于Windows,Mac,iOS和Android的本机VPN应用程序只能提供平均的连接速度,但它们确实可以阻止美国Netflix和BBC iPlayer。可悲的是,SurfEasy的VPN应用程序可能很难使用,并且没有终止开关。


因此,我们通过了严格的测试计划,使SurfEasy的所有VPN应用程序都投入使用。在我们的SurfEasy VPN评论中,您将了解每个VPN应用在隐私,安全性,可用性等方面的表现。







但是,在深入探讨之前,我们先来看看SurfEasy VPN的优缺点。

SurfEasy VPN优点和缺点












谁是SurfEasy VPN?





考虑到这一点,我们相信,由于SurfEasy VPN极少的日志记录政策,这不会成为问题,这意味着您的任何在线活动都无法作为个人追溯到您。

如果您想知道,该公司由首席执行官克里斯·休斯顿(Chris Houston)经营,他似乎是一个致力于在线隐私的人,甚至就此事进行了TED演讲。令人鼓舞的是。



有趣的是,赛门铁克的董事长是Dan Schulman,也是PayPal的首席执行官兼总裁。


Thursday, December 31, 2020

PureVPN评论 2020

PureVPN中国是一个简单的VPN,在140个国家/地区拥有2,000台服务器和300,000个IP地址。它可以解除对美国Netflix和BBC iPlayer的阻止,并且还可以进行种子发送。但是,它相当慢,并且其日志记录策略不是很注重隐私。总体而言,PureVPN是针对流媒体爱好者的廉价VPN。












经过优化的服务器可与Netflix,BBC iPlayer等配合使用













PureVPN由GZ Systems Limited于2007年创立,该公司在香港的管辖范围内运营,这使隐私保护对美国和欧盟不利。

经过进一步的调查,我们发现PureVPN的首席执行官Uzair Gadit也是Gaditek的共同创始人,该公司属于Gadit家族所有,并运营另一种VPN服务Ivacy VPN。目前尚不清楚GZ Systems Limited是否是Gaditek的子公司,但是两个实体之间肯定有很强的联系。











Sunday, December 27, 2020








我们使用speedtest.net测试了70多种VPN速度。我们使用了100 Mbps的上行和55 Mbps的下行Internet连接(电缆)。在此处阅读有关我们审核过程的更多信息。



1. PersonalVPN






4. Astrill

Astrill VPN可以很好地与洪流一起使用。这也是此列表中流式服务(5台Netflix服务器中有3台可用)的最佳选择。不幸的是,其隐私策略中一些不可靠的日志记录策略破坏了我们所看到的良好结果。我们将在正式审查中详细讨论它。我们的测试表明,Netflix无法正常工作。允许洪流,但下载速度约为2和3 Mbps,因此您将不会下载任何内容。



Saturday, December 26, 2020



PrivateVPN是一项基本的VPN服务,可为Windows,MacOS,iOS,Android和Amazon Fire TV提供一流的AES-256加密和本机应用程序。对于此PrivateVPN审查,我们的专家团队对它进行了严格的测试,以了解其与市场上其他VPN的比较。

我们发现PrivateVPN是最好的流媒体VPN之一,它为Netflix,Hulu,Amazon Prime Video和BBC iPlayer等站点提供了专用的流媒体服务器。但是,我们发现这些服务器通常过于拥挤,这意味着您不能总是依靠VPN来流式传输高清字幕。





总而言之,PrivateVPN是一种超棒的廉价VPN,可阻止大量流媒体服务,并且是快速保护Internet连接的简单选择。不过,这并不完美。 PrivateVPN需要解决其令人沮丧的速度问题,提供智能DNS功能并完成独立审核。如果确实如此,它可能成为可用的最佳VPN之一。















PrivateVPN特别适合希望通过快速简便的方法来解锁来自世界各地的流媒体站点的流媒体。这些应用程序包括我们见过的数量最多的专用流服务器-支持32个不同的Netflix库,Hulu,HBO Max和BBC iPlayer。但是,我们确实希望PrivateVPN提供智能DNS功能,因为用户将无法在Apple TV或游戏机等设备上流式传输内容。


PrivateVPN还是中国最好的VPN之一,其Stealth VPN协议在我们最近进行的所有测试中都轻松绕过了防火墙。

但是,在测试PrivateVPN时,我们遇到了一些非常不可靠的速度。 VPN的小型服务器网络和缺乏有关服务器负载的信息,这意味着服务器通常人满为患。因此,在连接之前无法判断您的速度是快还是慢。这是VPN的最大缺陷,通常会因中断和缓冲而使Netflix流媒体受挫。

PrivateVPN也基于一个不完善的司法管辖区,其日志记录策略尚未得到独立审计或现实世界法院案件的验证。 VPN存在未完全公开其日志记录做法的风险,而我们发现这种做法过去曾发生过。


Tuesday, December 22, 2020


BlackVPN是BlackVPN Ltd.在香港提供的VPN服务。但是,与NordVPN等竞争对手提供的数千台服务器相比,它们在18个国家/地区的31台服务器相形见pale。这并不总是破坏交易。VPN服务器并不总是能被破解。很多时候,它们被出租或完全伪造。因此,我们在本BlackVPN审查中着手确定受限网络是否重要。他们的其余服务是否弥补了这一点?还是它们在多个领域都不够?让我们找出答案。




BlackVPN支持以下隧道协议:OpenVPN,SSTP或L2TP / IPSec。OpenVPN是默认选项,现成的客户端已经设置为可以直接使用。BlackVPN紧随其后的是256位加密技术,该方法已得到世界各国政府的认可。因此,在大多数情况下,它对您也应该足够。但是,有两个小问题。首先是您无法连接到美国西部。第二个是您必须关闭应用程序才能更改位置。幸运的是,这最后一个被永远在线的kill开关覆盖。所有BlackVPN客户端都有一个内置的kill开关,默认情况下该开关被激活。因此,无需担心在切换服务器时意外暴露您的位置或浏览数据









如果你正在寻找可在中国使用的VPN翻墙软件,那么ExpressVPN和PureVPN将是你的最佳 选择。你可以访问ExpressVPN中国评测:,了解更多关于ExpressVPN的细节。你也可以通过访问PureVPN中国评测:,了解更多关于purevpn的细节。



Friday, December 18, 2020

蓝灯Lantern VPN评测







那是坚定的。Lantern根本无法绕过Netflix的地理区块。我尝试了多个Netflix库,每次都遇到错误消息。我无法真正选择美国服务器进入Netflix US,这无济于事(稍后会详细介绍)。

实际上,除了YouTube和Kodi之外,它无法取消阻止其他流媒体网站。这意味着没有BBC iPlayer,Hulu,HBO GO,ITV Hub等等。




我没有VPN的基本速度开始于14.38 Mbps下载速度和12.69 Mbps上传速度。

当我连接到荷兰的Lantern服务器时,我的下载速度几乎没有降低,并稳定在14.19 Mbps,这足以让我浏览网络而没有任何滞后。



















Lantern的总部位于美国洛杉矶,这意味着它位于5/9/14 Eyes Alliance的覆盖范围之内。如果这些政府中的任何一个曾经要求您提供数据,Lantern都必须将其移交给您,而且其中有很多。

























是的,有一个免费版本,您无需注册即可直接从网站下载。免费计划的带宽有限,每月只有500 MB的数据。一旦达到极限,Lantern就会限制您的速度,这样您将有很多滞后和缓冲。









PureVPN可以取消阻止包括Netflix US在内的大多数流行流媒体站点。尽管我的连接速度很慢,但我可以以高清流媒体播放Netflix,Hulu,HBO GO和BBC iPlayer。为了获得更快的连接速度和一致的上载和下载速度,请查看具有出色支持的VPN和遍布全球的服务器,例如ExpressVPN。








在连接PureVPN之前,我的速度为12.49 Mbps下载,0.91 Mbps上传,ping为34毫秒。

当我连接到澳大利亚的本地PureVPN服务器时,我的下载速度略微下降到10.75 Mbps,而上传速度下降到0.85 Mbps。我的Ping增加到76毫秒。我没有发现任何速度差异。

但是,当我连接到美国服务器时,下载速度骤降至3.78 Mbps。实际上,我的上传速度略微提高到了0.87 Mbps,而我的Ping却提高到了216 ms。这仍然足够快以进行高清流传输,但是我的连接肯定落后了。



















我使用具有4GB RAM和Intel Core i3处理器的Windows 8设备对其进行了测试。运行该应用程序使我的计算机减速至令人沮丧的速度。在一个小时的会话中,它甚至四次冻结了我的计算机。如果您使用的设备速度较慢或较旧,建议您改用浏览器扩展程序。








在速度测试期间,我在本地PureVPN服务器上享受了高速连接。但是,当我连接到美国服务器时,我失去了很多速度。尽管我仍然能够从经过测试的主要网站(例如Netflix US)流式传输HD内容,但是我的加载时间非常慢。如果您想在任何服务器上进行快速流传输,并且还添加了其他功能(例如专用流服务器),请查看Netflix的十大VPN之一。






一个 值得信赖的VPN是为了保护您的手机的唯一途径。但是,随着Play商店提供200多种VPN,您如何知道可以安全使用哪种服务?而在Play商店安全列出的免费的VPN?


我们的Android VPN建议是安全,用户友好和快速的。它们将使您无限制地访问Netflix等流媒体网站,即使在公共wif-fi上,也能以高速度进行高清流媒体播放,并具有强大的安全性。


除了Android VPN之外,你还可以查看更多最佳的中国VPN:


1. NordVPN –适用于Android的最佳VPN:快速,安全且非常适合流媒体



它庞大的服务器基础和高速度意味着NordVPN也 非常适合流媒体。我们已使用Netflix,BBC iPlayer和其他流行的流媒体服务以及具有零缓冲的经验丰富的高清流对NordVPN进行了测试 ,因此,只要您的3G连接正常工作,您的VPN都不会减慢您的速度。

NordVPN的流优化服务器可以 取消阻止 400多个受地理位置限制的流服务。它的SmartPlay功能可检测到您需要打开服务器才能解除阻止网站并自动进行切换。NordVPN还提供了带有专用P2P服务器的专用洪流配置文件,因此您可以从手机访问所需的所有娱乐内容。

该服务位于5/9 / 14-Eyes管辖范围之外的巴拿马,因此您可以确保您的浏览活动不公开。

NordVPN通过256位加密和零日志策略保护您的数据。其Android应用程序提供了自动终止开关,其Cyber​​ Sec功能可 阻止广告,跟踪器和恶意软件。


2. ExpressVPN –最快的Android VPN



ExpressVPN的客户支持可 通过实时聊天24/7提供。

我们对ExpressVPN进行了测试,发现它可以可靠, 高速地访问大多数流行的流媒体服务,包括Netflix US。我们能够使用其MediaStreamer技术在不支持VPN连接的设备(包括游戏机和智能电视)上流式传输。


3. Surfshark –大型家庭和家庭办公室的无限同时连接

Surfshark的网络在63个国家/地区拥有1,700台服务器,其网络规模小于其他顶级VPN。但这并不会减慢速度。在我们的测试过程中,我们能够 解锁和流传输高清服务,例如Netflix US,HBO GO和BBC iPlayer。



Surfshark的总部位于英属维尔京群岛,远远超出5/9 / 14-Eyes联盟的范围。它使用256位加密,并保留零日志策略。

Surfshark提供了 强大的混淆设置,可以绕过审查和VPN禁令,因此旅行时可以完全保持安全。伪装模式掩盖您的VPN连接,MultiHop通过多台服务器发送您的连接,NoBorders模式允许在受限区域内使用VPN。

4.Cyber​​Ghost –用户友好的VPN对VPN新手来说非常有用

Cyber​​ Ghost在90多个国家/地区运营6,830多个高速服务器。您的订阅将涵盖7个同时连接。

我们能够使用其内置的流配置文件解除对Netflix,Amazon Prime Video和最受欢迎的流服务的阻止。它还有一个带有链接的专用种子配置文件



5. PrivateVPN –适用于Android的最佳预算友好型VPN

PrivateVPN是一项预算友好的服务,具有高端安全性,在Google Play商店中获得4.2星评级,易于安装,并且为Android用户提供了许多高级功能。


PrivateVPN在60个国家/地区运营150台服务器。在我们的测试过程中,我们能够使用经过Netflix优化的服务器流式传输Netflix US,Hulu,HBO GO和BBC iPlayer。
















Netflix,BBC iPlayer和Hulu等流媒体服务使用地理块来控制用户可以观看的内容。这通常会导致美国以外的国家/地区中的目录有限,或者根本无法访问该服务。







Saturday, June 6, 2020

In the second week of teleworking, what other security threats remain to be resolved?

Starting on February 3, many enterprises have successively started the "cloud office" mode. With the extension of the telecommuting front, various new security threats have gradually emerged after experiencing a surge in VPN access demand and video congestion due to flooding and hung-up. Baishan cloud technology security team provides remote office security solutions for the majority of enterprises free of charge to ensure the security of enterprise data assets.

Scenario 1: There are hidden security risks in VPN accounts

Attackers use employees to log in to VPN remotely to simulate employee logins, using various methods such as VPN forced login, remote login, SMS bombing, account sharing abuse, and non-working hours login to attack the corporate intranet.

Scene characteristics:

-High data sensitivity, requiring privatization deployment

-Unified data access, including business data and office environment data

-VPN access requests surged 20 times, only using two-factor authentication

-Lack of analysis of behavior after VPN login

-I hope to use a system to solve the problem as a whole and reduce costs

Implementation Effect:

-Identified several daily threats of VPN forced login

-Discovered account sharing abuse

-Demonstrated employee dial-in incident with a poisoned VPN

-Realize real-time analysis of employees' VPN login behavior and strengthen behavior analysis

-Found that the VPN login SMS verification code interface was abused, there was SMS bombing, and stop loss in time

Scenario 2: Unknown digital assets are prone to security risks

Attackers usually conduct comprehensive information collection on attack targets, such as port scanning and domain name discovery. If enterprises do not comprehensively sort and protect their assets, services and digital assets exposed on the public network may easily become the targets of attackers.

A large central enterprise

Scene characteristics:

-Urgent demand, insufficient professional security personnel

-Weak security system construction, lack of defense in depth

Implementation Effect:

-It is found that many services of the office network are exposed on the public network, and the protection black hole is filled in time

-Found a fatal attack on the JenkinsRCE vulnerability exposed in the internal container platform of the public network and entering the core system of the internal network, and provide traceability verification

Scenario 3: Office system is maliciously attacked

As the main auxiliary software for remote office, OA, CRM, mailbox and other systems store a large number of core data of production and sales of enterprises. The vulnerabilities of office systems are often used by attackers to initiate attacks such as command injection, probe scanning, and 0day.

A large central enterprise

Scene characteristics:

-Heavy reliance on multiple online office systems

-The office system stores a large number of core data of enterprise production and sales

-The requirement does not cause any impact on the business

-Hope to find unknown threats, especially data leakage

Implementation Effect:

-Discover personal privacy data leakage in internal financial reimbursement system to avoid serious losses

-Discover data leakage of internal OA system, including sales data, meeting records, etc., to avoid serious losses

-Bypass traffic access, does not affect the business?

Scenario 4: Risk of information leakage in the interaction between the office system and the cloud

During the remote office integration process between the enterprise and the third platform, data is exchanged through the API. Due to the lack of a security monitoring system based on the final flow and security monitoring of the interactive data, there is a risk of leakage of sensitive data.

A game company

Scene characteristics:

-Integrated remote office with a third-party platform, data exchange through API

-Lack of security monitoring of interactive data, there is a risk of leakage of sensitive data

-Lack of safety monitoring system based on final flow

Implementation Effect:

-It is found that there is leakage of mobile phone number and user ID information in the API communicating with a cloud service, and rectification in time to avoid further losses

Baishan Cloud Technology Remote Office Security Solution

-Through AI-based streaming security big data analysis, automatically discover possible security threats in the office system and improve the security of enterprise remote office

-Real-time bypass access, including: office network traffic mirror access, log access (VPN, bastion machine, Wi-Fi, etc.)

-Automatically analyze the traffic and logs through the algorithm engine to discover various security risks and attack threats

-Identified threat events can be handled in conjunction with serial devices or blocked by interceptors

Friday, May 29, 2020

Chongqing police cracked a case of making and selling cross-border VPN software

CCTV Chongqing, December 13 (Reporter Chen Peng) Recently, the police in Shapingba District of Chongqing recently investigated and dealt with a case of illegal production and sales of cross-border VPN network software in the special operation of "Net Net 2019". During the investigation, the police found that the VPN was used by people with ulterior motives to access overseas web sites and to carry out cyber fraud, cyber attacks and other related illegal acts. Through the careful investigation in the early stage, the Shapingba police successfully arrested the suspect Ma in a residential building in Hebei District, Tianjin. At the scene, the police seized one computer, one mobile phone and several mobile hard drives.

After questioning, the suspect Ma explained that since March 2018, he rented 13 servers in the United States, Japan, Russia, Singapore and other countries or regions to build a VPN, and posted a large number of posts in the forum to promote and recommend sales to users. According to statistics, during this period, Ma has sold to more than 600 people in total, with a total profit of more than 200,000 yuan. Because Mamou privately established a VPN and provided it to others, in order to make a profit and a large amount, he will be held criminally responsible.

At present, Ma has been criminally detained by the public security organ, and the case is being further processed.

Police reminded: In 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology clearly stipulated that VPN was formally included in the scope of supervision. Without the approval of the telecommunications authority, it is not allowed to establish or rent VPN. The current behavior of making and selling cross-border VPN software is not a telecommunications value-added licensing business. It should be regarded as a category of Internet information network services. To provide such services, the relevant provisions of the "Network Security Law" should be followed, and the laws and regulations should not be fulfilled The relevant liability obligations stipulated that constitute a crime will be subject to criminal liability.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Sangfor VPN equipment was exposed as a breakthrough for overseas hackers, responding that very few users were affected

China Internet Technology, April 7, Shenzhen Convince announced today that the company has paid attention to various reports and news about the company's SSL VPN product vulnerabilities. After receiving the vulnerability information, the company has established an emergency response team as soon as possible in accordance with the emergency response process. To thoroughly investigate the incident. After investigation by the company's technical staff, among the tens of thousands of users of SSL VPN products, only a few users have been affected. The company has taken the initiative to contact the affected users as soon as possible, and assist users to do a good job.

According to the announcement, the investigation and analysis confirmed that the prerequisite for attacking with the SSL VPN product vulnerability is that the SSL VPN management and control authority has been obtained, that is, the attacker can only use the administrator authority of the SSL VPN product of the Shencon service to the attacker The vulnerability launches an attack. Therefore, it is more difficult to exploit the vulnerability of the product.

As of the date of this announcement, the company ’s detection tools (to help users detect whether they have been attacked) and proprietary anti-virus tools (to detect and kill malicious software) for the aforementioned vulnerabilities in SSL VPN products have been completed, and the main version of the repair patch The package (to help users fix vulnerabilities) has been released. The company will provide all SSL VPN product users with free detection tools, exclusive killing tools, repair patch packages and related support services to ensure that all users' SSL VPN product vulnerabilities are detected and repaired.

Said that because the SSL VPN business accounted for a relatively low percentage of the company's overall revenue, after the company's assessment, this incident will not have a substantial impact on the company's operations. The company will comprehensively review the causes of the SSL VPN product vulnerabilities, further increase R & D investment, improve management, reduce the probability of product vulnerabilities as much as possible, and further improve product safety.

Anhui Unicom responds to "Government at will": 1 yuan is the VPN function fee

July 16th news, in response to the recent hot-selling "government affairs at will" business, Anhui Unicom responded, saying that the net transmission of only 1 yuan per month can enjoy the province's free local calls, long-distance, roaming news If wrong, Anhui Unicom stated that 1 yuan is a VPN function fee charged separately from the basic package fee, and free calls are limited to the VPN network.

Anhui Unicom stated that "Government at will" is a "virtual voice network" (VPN) service launched by group customers, and a basic package fee is required. RMB 1 is a VPN function fee charged separately from the basic package fee. Free calls It is only limited to the VPN network, and the duration is limited. Similar products in the industry are not uncommon. Some branches have inaccurate publicity during promotion, which has caused misunderstandings from the outside world. Our company will regulate the business.

Previously, Anhui Unicom publicized that the target of "arbitrary administration of government affairs" was the cadres, employees and their families of party and government organs, institutions in Anhui Province. As long as one yuan is paid, cadres, employees and their families of party and government organs and institutions in the province call each other without charge; all local calls, long-distance and roaming in the province are also free.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

India lifts TikTok download ban: has been restored on Google Play and AppStore

On April 29th, local time in India, TikTok was resumed on Google Play and AppStore in India, which means that the temporary suspension of TikTok in India has been successfully resolved.

Earlier this month, after receiving a lawsuit from a local lawyer, a court in Tamil Nadu, India issued a unilateral interim injunction to the Indian Ministry of Electronic Information without formal hearing. On April 17, Apple and Google App Store removed TikTok at the request of the government. On April 24, the Indian High Court of Madras revoked the previous interim order. On April 29th, India time, TikTok officially resumed listing.

It is reported that TikTok is not the first internet company in trouble in India. According to Reuters, Facebook and WhatsApp, which regards India as its largest market, have been facing regulatory pressure and are required to better handle fake news and monitor the content on the platform. Global video streaming giant Netflix was involved in legal proceedings last year for allegedly insulting the former prime minister of India.

Like Facebook and YouTube, TikTok's international development is not without difficulties and challenges, but each crisis is successfully resolved in a short period of time.

TikTok has always been committed to creating a safe community environment. There are 13 industry-leading measures in the station to escort the safety of every user, including risk warning system, anti-addiction system, comment specific word filtering and safety resource center.

Since July 2018, TikTok India has deleted more than 6 million videos that violate user agreements and community guidelines. According to reports, the TikTok India team has been actively communicating with relevant departments, expressing confidence in India ’s judicial system and information technology rules governing social media platforms. TikTok will continue to strengthen the technical means and content review process to improve the Indian user experience.

The relevant person in charge of TikTok said that TikTok employs nearly 500 people in India, and will continue to expand the team size in the future to provide more localized services for local users.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Experience new VPN protocol anytime, anywhere

The development of the Internet is extremely rapid, the popularity of mobile phones and PCs is unstoppable, and even banks are affected by the Internet. Then do we really enjoy global networking? Promised. No, due to domestic Internet network restrictions, many foreign websites We may not be able to access smoothly, so what should I do when querying important learning materials? At this time, a good VPN protocol is very important. However, many VPN protocols are now unable to connect and use properly. Recently, a website called has become popular. They provide new VPN protocols, making connection more pleasant and faster.

Yewang Freedom focuses on breaking the network blockade. As we all know, now network operators, corporate networks, public Wi-Fi, etc., mostly block some mainstream foreign websites, and after using Yeenet to turn freely, you can easily break through these blockades and achieve unlimited access to global websites. For example, visit the world-famous video site youtube or the famous social networking site facebook. Some network operators may also record your internet browsing, leaking your internet privacy, and connecting to a VPN server or Socks5 proxy that Yenet can freely turn over can hide your internet browsing history. The VPN connections of Yewang Freedom are encrypted. It is precisely because the anonymous network connection is the same as the night, so it is called the night network. Free turning is to break the blockade of the network and enjoy the unlimited network life freely.

After many revisions and upgrades of (, the new protocol is divided into SSH (remarks: support Windows system, Linux system, Mac system), IKEv2 (remarks: a new version of the security protocol, in China It is rarely used. It has a unique feature. When the mobile client changes the network status, encrypted communication will not be interrupted and is very stable.) PPTP, L2TP, CiscoIPSec, Anyconnect and other models can be freely selected according to different uses.

In addition, there is another important issue for the service over the wall, that is, the network speed after the wall. According to the free development team of Yewang, the server uses 1G of bandwidth and the download speed is extremely fast. And unlike other wall-turning applications, the webpage to be turned in is actually going in, and other normal webpages are stuck. Yewang Freedom has a plug-in that points to a separate webpage, and does not point the entire network to a new server, so when users watch the walled webpage, the speed of other content will not be affected. At present, you need to register and purchase to use Yefan freely, and experience the new FAN posture, anytime, any place, any network. There will always be supported flip positions!

VPN is blocked, most iOS devices are affected and cannot be turned over

VPN is blocked, most iOS devices are affected and cannot be turned over. Recently, there are reports that some users in mainland China have reported that they cannot normally use foreign VPN services. At the same time, news about the price increase of VPN services began to spread. In response, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded publicly that some bad information should be regulated in accordance with Chinese laws.

A few days ago, according to the "Global Times" English website reported that China has begun to block foreign VPN services, this news also caused a shock in the domestic "over the wall party." Recently, Wen Ku, director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, was also asked about this issue in an interview. He responded that the development of the Internet in China must be carried out in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations, and some bad information should be managed in accordance with Chinese laws.

Wen Ku said that China's Internet development is obvious to the world, especially in the development of mobile Internet has made great achievements. "We deployed 700,000 TD-LTE base stations. By the end of December, there were more than 90 million 4G users. These 4G users appear to be mobile users, but in fact they are mobile users who use broadband widely. In China, the development of Internet services is also very Effective, well-developed companies have a growth rate of about 40% to 50%. Alibaba ’s listing in the United States, everyone can see that all this stems from a good policy environment for the development of Internet companies by the Chinese government Guarantee. "

There are reports that the "Fire Wall" has begun to block foreign VPN services. VPN provider Astrill has informed users that due to the upgrade of the "Fire Wall", devices using IPSec, L2TP / IPSec and PPTP protocols cannot access its services. "The main impact is iOS devices."

VPN legal operation is not affected

Recently, the Chinese government's management of VPN (Virtual Private Network) has become the focus of outside attention. At the press conference of the State Council of China today, Zhang Feng, a spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that this round of rectification is to clean up unlicensed operations and non-compliance with regulations. influenced.

Foreign companies' offices are not affected and can apply for dedicated lines for cross-border networking

At the press conference, a reporter asked questions and heard that some VPN providers in China have ceased operations. Please confirm or clarify this.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology spokesperson and chief engineer Zhang Feng said that in January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Structure Service Market", mainly to better regulate market behavior, and the main targets for regulation are Without the approval of the telecommunications authorities, enterprises and individuals without the qualification to operate international telecommunications services lease international private lines or VPNs and carry out cross-border telecommunications business operations in violation of regulations.

Zhang Feng said that this will not affect the normal cross-border access to the Internet by domestic and foreign companies and users, as well as various types of business activities legally and in accordance with regulations. The rectification is mainly to clean up those that operate without a license and do not meet the norms. Enterprises and individuals who are in accordance with the law are not affected.

He said that some foreign trade companies and multinational companies need to rent a dedicated line and other means for cross-border networking because of office use, etc., they can rent from the telecommunications business operators who set up international communication entry and exit bureaus according to law. Normal operation has an impact.
Officials deny the requirement to ban personal VPN services

Recently, foreign media reported that the relevant Chinese authorities issued a notice to the three major domestic operators, requesting a ban on personal VPN services. Subsequently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded that "the subordinate bureaus have not issued relevant notices, and foreign media reports have been untrue".

Wen Ku, director of the Information and Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the press conference that China ’s three major operators have done a lot of work in providing services to ordinary people. At the same time, we will also pay attention to some of the needs of ordinary people. Information is not allowed by Chinese law.

According to media reports, Chongqing last year revised and released the "Chongqing Public Security Organ Network Security Management Administrative Penalty Discretionary Benchmark". According to the regulations, penalties for unauthorized international networking will be ordered, and the network will be ordered to stop and be warned.

The reporter found that the regulations on the behavior of individuals "over the wall" have been made clear.

The Executive Meeting of the State Council on January 23, 1996 adopted the "Interim Provisions on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks", which was amended in 1997.

Article 6 of the "Regulations" states that if the computer information network is directly connected to the international network, it must use the international entrance and exit channels provided by the National Public Telecommunications Network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The regulations clearly require that no unit or individual shall establish or use other channels for international networking. If the provisions of Article 6 are violated, the public security organ shall order to stop the network and give a warning, and may also impose a fine of less than 15,000 yuan; if there is illegal income, the illegal income shall be confiscated.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Where to go for China VPN

At that time, regarding the blockade of some VPNs in China, Wen Ku, director of the Communications Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, "The development of the Internet in China must be carried out in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations. Some bad information should be regulated in accordance with Chinese laws, With the development of the Internet, new regulatory measures will certainly keep up with new situations. "

Qin An, director of the China Cyberspace Strategy Research Institute, also pointed out for the "Fire Wall" that cyberspace sovereignty is a matter of course, and China certainly cannot ignore these services.

A policeman from the Public Security Bureau revealed that for users, if they only browse web pages without bad information, they will not be held responsible; if they copy and spread posts with illegal content, they will bear corresponding legal responsibilities once they are found.

Many lawyers believe that according to the principle of law, browsing prohibited webpages should be suspected of breaking the law, but the punishment depends on the specific circumstances and the degree of harm. If you just browse by yourself and do not distribute it, the plot is minor and you will not be fined. If you provide "over the wall" service, it is definitely illegal. For example, if the buyer uses this to browse pornographic webpages, the seller is suspected of constituting a crime of spreading obscene materials.

Some lawyers also pointed out that Article 5 of the “Administrative Measures on the International Internet Security Protection of Computer Information Networks” stipulates that no unit or individual may use the Internet to produce, copy, consult and disseminate the following information: incitement to resist, violation of the Constitution and laws, implementation of administrative regulations ; Inciting subversion of state power and overthrowing the socialist system; Incitement to split the country and undermine national unity; Fabricating or distorting facts, spreading rumors, disrupting social order, etc. The remarks on overseas web pages are not managed. Once they are browsed, it will already violate this rule.

In addition to the above provisions, for sellers who provide "over the wall" services, the punishment measures stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services" are even heavier. Article 4 stipulates: "The state implements a licensing system for operational Internet information services; implements a filing system for non-profit Internet information services. Those who have not obtained a license or have not completed the filing procedures shall not engage in Internet information services." Article 19 states: "In violation of the provisions of these Measures, without obtaining a business license, engaging in business Internet information services without authorization, or providing services beyond the permitted items, the telecommunication management agency of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall order it to make corrections within a time limit. For the income, a fine of more than 3 times and less than 5 times the illegal income; if there is no illegal income or the illegal income is less than 50,000 yuan, a fine of more than 100,000 yuan and less than 1 million yuan shall be imposed; if the circumstances are serious, the website shall be ordered to be closed. "

In the opinion of the industry, although the relevant departments have always supervised the "turning the wall", but this kind of supervision is intermittent, when the requirements are strict, it is sealed for a while, and when the requirements are not strict, the various wall-turning tools will be again. In the rise, various previous regulatory departments only regarded this task as one of the functions, but they were not exclusive functions. Therefore, the supervision has been neglected. In 2014, the country established the Internet Information Office, which is equivalent to having a full-time agency to manage it. Increased, these "over the wall" tools will be difficult to survive in the future.


The future of VPN

"Crossing the wall" is an illegal act, and the so-called over-the-wall software has not been approved by the telecommunications authorities. There are many domestic “over the wall” users. According to a survey conducted by the market research agency Global WebIndex, there may be as many as 90 million VPN users in China. This also allows some wall-traveling software that is walking in the gray zone to make money silently.

"Over the wall" software is also called VPN software. Beijing Business Daily reporter entered VPN in the mobile application store, and a lot of "over the wall" software appeared in the drop-down menu, including VPN, 5VPN, Snap VPN, fast security VPN, bat VPN, mung bean VPN, VPN333, Kuai Miao and so on.

After opening the Snap VPN App, the page displays two connection modes: Free and VIP, which are divided into seven lines: the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, India, Singapore, Canada, and the United Kingdom. VIP requires users to pay $ 5.99 per month. Compared to the free model, it has faster network speed, unlimited data, and no ads. The Beijing Business Daily reporter successfully logged in to Facebook after connecting to the American line free mode, but several mobile apps were automatically downloaded in the background. If not installed on the mobile phone, an advertisement will be launched every few minutes, and finally the Snap VPN will be uninstalled before it stops pushing. ad.

Wu Chunyong, CEO of, pointed out that VPN software vendors are equivalent to some companies that do third-party services. They set up servers privately, use the public network, and use software, hardware, and other equipment to interconnect domestic and foreign corresponding servers to make corresponding. Of users have access to information.

It is understood that the annual VPN usage cost is about 60-100 US dollars. Computer or mobile phone users can obtain encrypted links through specially designed software to browse the contents of foreign websites that are blocked in China. These blocked websites include social platforms Facebook, Twitter, video site YouTube, web search and email services provided by Google.

In forums, post bars and other places, some netizens recommended several "over the wall" tools. For example, Accel Wizard is a veteran VPN provider that has been operating steadily for three years. It currently specializes in high-speed lines in the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, and South Korea. It supports various computer systems, mobile phones, Android, iOS, and can watch YouTube smoothly. 1080P high-definition video, mobile phone number registration and send 24 hours VIP experience, while providing permanent free trial line. Yuyue is a browser plug-in that can stably open massive foreign websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, instagram, etc., with Hong Kong, China, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Canada, South Korea, France and other countries super high Bandwidth server. Yuyue has three main modes: Smart, Always, and Close. In the unique smart mode, it will default to overturn the wall when opening a foreign website, but will not overturn the wall when visiting a domestic website. When the website is over the wall, the access speed will be too slow, so as to realize the intelligent over-wall.

However, some technicians pointed out that the data sent and received will pass through the VPN service provider's machine, and the user's account number, password credit card information, etc. may be seen by the VPN service provider.

No more gray areas

The "Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Access Service Market" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pointed out that in recent years, network information technology has changed rapidly, and applications such as cloud computing and big data are booming. China's Internet network access service market is facing a rare Development opportunities, but the signs of disorderly development have also emerged and urgently need to be regulated. In order to further regulate the market order, strengthen network information security management, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the Internet industry, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has decided to clean up and regulate the Internet network access service market nationwide from the date of announcement to March 31, 2018 .

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requires all basic telecommunications companies and Internet network access service companies to conduct a comprehensive self-examination of the use of network access resources such as network infrastructure, IP addresses, and bandwidth. Without the approval of the telecommunications department, they may not establish or lease dedicated lines (including Virtual private network VPN) and other channels to carry out cross-border business activities. International leased lines leased to users by basic telecommunications companies should establish user files in a centralized manner, and clearly indicate to users that their purpose is only for their internal office use, and may not be used to connect data within and outside the country. The center or business platform carries out telecommunications business operations.

Many industry insiders believe that this means that the gray area of ​​supervision that has been using virtual private networks (VPNs) to "over the wall" will be exposed and banned. Many netizens in China have mastered some "over the wall" skills, bypassing the corresponding IP blockade, content filtering, domain name hijacking, traffic restrictions, etc., to achieve access to network content.

Narrowing living space

In fact, China is not the first to supervise the phenomenon of “over the wall”. In early 2015, it was reported that some users in Mainland China reported that they were unable to use foreign VPN services normally. At the same time, news about the price increase of VPN services began to spread. It is understood that the "Fire Wall" began to block foreign VPN services. VPN provider Astrill has informed users that due to the upgrade of the "Fire Wall", devices using the IPSec, L2TP / IPSec, and PPTP protocols cannot access its services. "The main impact is iOS devices."

After, another VPN service provider, VPN Tech Runo, stated that since December 31, 2014, many of its IP addresses have been blocked, and users of L2TP protocol in some regions cannot connect to its servers. In addition, free VPN service provider fqrouter officially announced the closure of its VPN service that month.

Best vpn review:

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The first US Internet screen is a trade barrier. China rebuts

The USTR's latest annual report first included the Chinese government's blocking of international websites including Google, Facebook and Twitter as "trade barriers", making the dispute between the United States and China in this regard. No longer staying at the level of discussion on diplomacy and human rights issues.

The report also pointed out that especially since Xi Jinping's administration, the phenomenon of international websites being completely shielded in China has deteriorated; 8 of the 25 most popular websites in the world have been blocked in China.

China has long used the so-called "The Great Firewall" to block the Internet service websites used by hundreds of millions of people around the world, such as Google, Facebook and Twitter.

According to Reuters, the US official said that blocking the websites of people around the world as everyday tools has weakened the ability of international companies including US companies to conduct business in China. In addition, China has blocked most of the world's largest news. website.

The report also pointed out that a US ordinary furniture company whose website was blocked by China pointed out that this furniture company that has nothing to do with politics and does not threaten China's national security should be shielded. It actually proves that China's Internet shielding policy is international. The company has formed a trade barrier.
China demands respect for rights


The Chinese Foreign Ministry said at a regular press conference on April 8: "The Internet in China is booming and provides a broad space for development for enterprises from all over the world. China's policy of attracting foreign investment will not change, and policies to protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign companies in China. It will not change, and the policy for foreign companies to create a good business environment in China will not change. We hope that countries will respect the Internet development path, management model, public policy and the right to participate in international Internet governance independently chosen by other countries."

In recent years, the contradiction between the United States and China in the field of science and technology has been on the rise. In 2015, the Obama administration should raise its dissatisfaction with the Chinese government on some of the provisions of the US “Anti-Terrorism Law”, which they believe are suspected of rejecting foreign high-tech companies.

Beijing has always insisted on strict control of the Internet in order to protect national security and stability, and has never accepted criticism from the United States through channels such as the Foreign and Human Rights Forum.

In the past, US trade officials have conducted investigations into China’s “Great Wall of Fire”. In 2011, the US Trade Office stated that China's network filtering mechanism is a commercial barrier that harms the interests of US companies. The United States submitted some formal issues to China through the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The US Internet giants and large foreign trade groups have long carried out lobbying activities and want the United States to treat China’s censorship as a trade issue.

For example, in 2008, Google’s deputy general counsel attended a hearing of a subcommittee in the Senate, claiming that the US government should include this in the core issues of trade negotiations.

Some analysts pointed out that even without the Internet to block disputes, there are already many difficult trade disputes between the United States and China. Therefore, it is hard to say whether the United States listed the Internet blocking policy as a trade barrier that could eventually lead to substantial changes.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Clearly set limits

The notice issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Sunday (22nd) requires investigation of its illegal business operations for the three types of business markets: Internet Data Center (IDC), Internet Access Service (ISP) and Content Distribution Network (CDN).

Among them, the document clearly requires: “Without the approval of the telecommunications administration, no other channels such as dedicated lines (including virtual private network VPN) may be established or leased to carry out cross-border business activities.”

"International radio lines leased by basic telecommunications enterprises to users shall be centralized to establish user files, which shall be clearly used by users only for their internal office use, and shall not be used to connect data centers or service platforms at home and abroad to carry out telecommunication business operations."

The English-language version of the Global Times quoted "Shanghai independent information technology expert Li Yi" (transliteration) said that it is necessary for China to take these measures to combat cross-border cybercrime and "purify cyberspace."

Li Yi said: "Some multinational companies like Microsoft have a reasonable need to communicate with headquarters through VPN, but some companies or individuals browse overseas websites for illegal purposes."

Organizations such as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have long criticized China's freedom to restrict citizens' access to the Internet. The US Trade Representative Office (USTR) listed the "Great Wall" policy as a trade barrier for the first time last year.

China insists that foreign countries should respect China's Internet policy. Chinese President Xi Jinping also recently reiterated China's "network sovereignty."

Xi Jinping said in a video speech at the opening ceremony of the Third World Internet Conference in November last year: "China is willing to work with the international community to adhere to the common prosperity of mankind, adhere to the concept of network sovereignty, and promote global Internet governance toward a more just and reasonable Moving forward, promoting cyberspace to achieve equal respect, innovation and development, open sharing, and safe and orderly goals."
The upheaval in Eastern Europe, Iraq, Libya, Syria, which is not the first to be controlled by the West, the night is a demon, not to mention a small country, Gorbachev gave up media control, the Soviet Union collapsed overnight, everywhere Isn't the pro-Western country not firmly controlling the media? Therefore, there are many countries with Western electoral systems, but there are very few press freedoms. How many countries that yearn for "freedom" are being fooled, and those who think they are not free can understand right and wrong? Freedom is always serving the overlord. Think about the internationalization of goods and trade. The first one is about the United Kingdom, then the United States. Now, holding up the banner of globalization, the free trade is actually the so-called socialist China! Whoever dominates, who will advocate the so-called freedom, if Chinese is a lingua franca, China's media dominates, and the world depends on CCTV, China guarantees that it will not restrict media freedom. The advantage of the freedom will be the game between the big powers and the weak countries. The seemingly equal freedom is the sharp edge of the strong. The various restrictions are only weak.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Does China have a legitimate VPN?

Many people still have a lot of needs for VPN, such as foreign trade business, access to technical documents, and social networking with friends and relatives abroad. If there are no VPNs, many foreign websites may not be able to access them in China, such as Google, and then Facebook, Twitter, etc. Many people are looking for it. Since it is illegal to use VPN privately, is there any legal VPN service in China or a way to legally access the Internet?

The answer is yes, because there are many multinational companies in China, and their business is spread all over the world. If they can't access the Internet, they are the first to bear it. Secondly, all walks of life in the country need to be in line with international technology and information. It is necessary to have normal access to the external network in China.

Articles 58 and 64 of the Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China expressly prohibit organizations and individuals from operating international telecommunication services without authorization, and require that international communication services within the territory of China must be conducted through the International Communications Portal.

In January 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Notice on Clearing the Regulation of the Internet Network Structure Service Market”. The “Notice” requires: “No other channels such as virtual private network VPNs may be established or leased without the approval of the telecommunications administration. To carry out cross-border business activities. The international private lines leased by the basic telecommunications enterprises to users should focus on the establishment of user files, which are clearly used by users only for their internal office use. They should not be used to connect domestic and foreign data centers or business platforms to carry out telecommunication business operations. activity". The object of the notification specification is mainly for enterprises and individuals who have not been approved by the telecommunications administration and have no international communication business qualifications. They rent international lines or VPNs and carry out cross-border telecommunication business operations in violation of regulations.

It can be seen from this notice that the enterprises and individuals that have not been approved by the competent telecommunications authorities and have no international communications business qualifications have been approved without approval. At present, China's three major telecom operators and China Radio and Television It is approved.

Since the three major operators have legitimate external access channels, then we can apply directly to the external network. However, it should be noted here that the opening of the external network access channel in China is mainly for the company's organization, and is not open to individuals. In other words, even if you are willing to pay the fee, you cannot apply for the international channel to the three major operators in your own name.

For operators, enterprises need to apply for the second type of value-added telecommunications business license, the minimum registered capital is 1 million yuan; the minimum registered capital is 10 million in the country or across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. Yuan Renminbi. Other necessary schools, research institutes, other government agencies, etc. also need to apply, after the review, the external network can be opened. When reviewing, you must write out the purpose of accessing the external network, access the data, etc., and applications that do not have the conditions may be rejected.

At present, the fees charged by the three major operators for accessing the external network are about 2m per year, about 20,000, 10m bandwidth is about 50,000 per year, and the cost of 500m is about 1.4 million per year. This cost is still very expensive for the individual, so the individual does not think about it at all. Now that the fiber is in the household, the household broadband is 100m, the annual fee is only a few hundred yuan, and the international water bandwidth of 2m can do? Looking at a web page may be a card.

Since it is unrealistic for an individual to apply for international channel access, can they register a company and apply for an international line in the name of the company, such as 500m, and then lease it to others? The answer is no, because the international bandwidth application is for written purposes and is only used for specific purposes such as office and international trade. At the same time, if you rent your own bandwidth to others, you need a telecom operation license. If you want to think about it, don't think about it. It is illegal to have no license. The above provisions have been written very clearly, and should not be used to connect data centers or business platforms at home and abroad to carry out telecommunication business operations. Bar Jing will definitely think about it. If I don't charge for other people to use it for free, I can't say it clearly because the bandwidth of the application can only be used by my own company and cannot be shared with the public.

Even if you have money, there is a suitable company to apply for the extranet, but you may not be able to afford it. At present, the deployment of the external network will take about three months. If the pre-approval is not smooth, it will be easy to spend half a year. There may not be a desire to go online. Based on the comprehensive application conditions, price, deployment time and other information, China's VPN service is prepared for the institutions that are just needed, and the individual users who are on the rise are essentially not friendly.

In 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology carried out clean-up work on the Internet access service market nationwide. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology investigates and punishes illegal activities such as unlicensed operation, over-range operation, and “layer-level sublease” in the Internet data center (IDC) business, Internet access service (ISP) business, and content distribution network (CDN) business market, and effectively implements The main responsibility of the enterprise is to strengthen the management of business licenses and access resources, strengthen the management of network information security, maintain a fair and orderly market order, and promote the healthy development of the industry.

The layer subletting problem mentioned above is for Internet access providers. International bandwidth subletting and subletting are also illegal, so it is illegal to sublet without qualification.

With the tightening of state supervision, the number of VPNs that individuals can use at present is becoming less and less. There are basically no people in the country doing this kind of business because they may face penalties at any time. A series of traditional overseas VPN service providers such as Green and Skywalk have basically stopped service. Their servers are not closed or their IP addresses are blocked and cannot be connected to the international network. Most overseas VPNs that can be used at present are also shot for one IP, which is extremely stable in use and may be disconnected at any time.

Existing VPNs are not convenient, so can VPNs be used in China? At present, the 5m exclusive bandwidth virtual host in the United States is only a few hundred yuan a year, and the independent host provided by Google and others can be charged according to the flow rate, and the tariff may be lower. The method of setting up a VPN is as simple as graduating from junior high school, knowing Chinese characters and simple English. This is a simple matter. But here I still advise everyone to give up this idea. Although the technical difficulty of setting up VPN is very low, the cost of using it is very high. If the VPN is used improperly, it will reveal sensitive information such as your personal privacy and bank account, and if you browse inappropriate comments. May be held accountable.

So don't build and use VPN for curiosity, don't just want to watch a short video and go to youtube. At present, the domestic Internet is very developed. WeChat doesn't lose Facebook, Youku doesn't lose YouTube, Baidu doesn't lose Google, what else is necessary. What about the external network?
other information:

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"Selective law enforcement"

Li Zhian believes that the enforcement of the Chinese authorities' control network is in a tight schedule. It used to be technically blocking IP, and it has now begun to be legally enforced.

For the netizens who use tens of millions of Internet users in China, the measures taken by the authorities are “selective law enforcement”. The basis is “how much the impact of the over-the-wall behavior on the country and how sensitive the government feels,” said Li Zhian.

"If you look at a highly politically sensitive website, or spread a wall that is not appropriate for the government, it is likely to become an obvious law enforcement target, and the penalties will be high."

Zhang Shaobin, a lawyer at Taiwan’s Hesheng Law Firm, told BBC Chinese. “The (VPN) connection is only a means. Whether the content of the connection involves national interests or national security is another matter.”

As for the authorities' efforts to combat "over the wall" based on cybersecurity or freedom of speech, Zhang Shaobin believes that more cases are needed to judge, and each similar case must clarify the difference between the two.

Liu Yuan of Suzhou expressed helplessness in suppressing the VPN, but said that he would still use VPN. "I feel that many people around me are using it, not so serious!"

Zheng Tao of Wuhan said that in the future, only a small amount of VPNs will be used in public places, and the information found will only be used for scientific purposes.

"Read-only!" Zheng Tao said in a computer terminology that his read-only information is not distributed.

The Interim Provisions have not yet become true legal provisions. However, Li Zhian said that if Guangdong Province further issues local-level laws and regulations, once it reaches consensus among different management levels in China, it may become a national law.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

What kind of "over the wall" is illegal?

According to Article 6 of the Interim Provisions on the Administration of International Network Management of Computer Information Network of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Interim Provisions”), “Computer information networks must be directly connected to the international network, and must use the international gateways provided by the National Public Telecommunications Network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Any Units and individuals may not establish or use other channels for international networking." The public security organ may give a warning to those who violate this regulation and impose a fine of up to 15,000 yuan.

The State Council issued the "Interim Provisions" in 1996 and revised it in 1997. Li Zhian said that this provision has been "prepared for use" in the past 20 years and has a legal effect, but it has not fulfilled its law enforcement actions.

Law enforcement mainly began in 2017, when China tightened the VPN market.

On January 22, 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China announced the “Notice on Clearing the Regulation of the Internet Network Access Service Market” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”), and decided to use it from the same day to March 31, 2018. Inspect the network infrastructure and network access resources such as IP addresses and broadband.

Li Zhian said that since then, the authorities have released a signal to warn companies and individuals to pay attention to the legal consequences of "over the wall."

On July 1, 2017, GreenVPN, a veteran VPN service provider with a large number of users, stopped service. Later, more VPN service providers terminated their operations at the request of the regulatory authorities, including Tianhang VPN and Cloud Wall VPN. In 2017, Apple vacated 674 VPN applications in the China Store app as a result of breaking Chinese law.

Li Zhian explained that it is only legal to conduct overseas server docking services through the three major telecom operators (China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom). Other forms of “over the wall” are in the “Interim Regulations”. "Illegal fixed channel."

"You may just download a VPN software to help you connect to foreign countries, in fact, it is illegal."

How was the “over the wall” detected?

In principle, Li Zhian said that China's domestic network is connected to foreign networks through a limited number of key nodes, which are equivalent to the hub of telecommunications.

When the user "over the wall" through the VPN, it must be realized through these key nodes. At this time, the firewall can identify the IP address according to the information flow transmitted by the VPN at a certain node.

VPNs come in a variety of forms and are constantly challenged by firewall technologies based on their protocols, applications, and device types. Li Zhian said that in the past few years, China's firewall technology and VPN technology have broken through firewalls. Some VPNs have encryption capabilities that bypass the firewall and are not detected. Even some high-end VPNs have anti-detection techniques.

Li Zhiwen said that between the investigation and the investigation, it seems that there is no end to the confrontation between the righteous and the evil.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

China cracks down on "illegal management" of proxy servers

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China announced a one-year operation to rectify Internet access services.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the weekend requesting the investigation and punishment of various “unlicensed operations, over-range operations, and “layer-level sub-leasing” and other illegal acts”, which explicitly required to prevent unauthorized construction or lease of dedicated lines and proxy servers (VPNs) without permission from the telecommunications department. service.

The English version of the "Global Times" of the People's Daily, the People's Daily, said on Monday (January 23) that this would help regulate the development of the Internet industry.

The Chinese government uses the popular folk saying "The Great Firewall of China" technology to review and block content that the authorities believe is harmful. VPN, which is also called virtual private network, is a means that netizens often use to "over the wall" to access overseas websites.

These blocked websites include many Western media, and China recently asked Apple to remove the New York Times mobile app from the Chinese version of the App Store, further limiting access to such content by Chinese netizens. .

Some Chinese netizens are worried that their freedom to browse the Internet is further restricted.