Tuesday, May 5, 2020

VPN legal operation is not affected

Recently, the Chinese government's management of VPN (Virtual Private Network) has become the focus of outside attention. At the press conference of the State Council of China today, Zhang Feng, a spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that this round of rectification is to clean up unlicensed operations and non-compliance with regulations. influenced.


Foreign companies' offices are not affected and can apply for dedicated lines for cross-border networking

At the press conference, a reporter asked questions and heard that some VPN providers in China have ceased operations. Please confirm or clarify this.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology spokesperson and chief engineer Zhang Feng said that in January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Structure Service Market", mainly to better regulate market behavior, and the main targets for regulation are Without the approval of the telecommunications authorities, enterprises and individuals without the qualification to operate international telecommunications services lease international private lines or VPNs and carry out cross-border telecommunications business operations in violation of regulations.

Zhang Feng said that this will not affect the normal cross-border access to the Internet by domestic and foreign companies and users, as well as various types of business activities legally and in accordance with regulations. The rectification is mainly to clean up those that operate without a license and do not meet the norms. Enterprises and individuals who are in accordance with the law are not affected.

He said that some foreign trade companies and multinational companies need to rent a dedicated line and other means for cross-border networking because of office use, etc., they can rent from the telecommunications business operators who set up international communication entry and exit bureaus according to law. Normal operation has an impact.

Officials deny the requirement to ban personal VPN services

Recently, foreign media reported that the relevant Chinese authorities issued a notice to the three major domestic operators, requesting a ban on personal VPN services. Subsequently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded that "the subordinate bureaus have not issued relevant notices, and foreign media reports have been untrue".

Wen Ku, director of the Information and Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the press conference that China ’s three major operators have done a lot of work in providing services to ordinary people. At the same time, we will also pay attention to some of the needs of ordinary people. Information is not allowed by Chinese law.

According to media reports, Chongqing last year revised and released the "Chongqing Public Security Organ Network Security Management Administrative Penalty Discretionary Benchmark". According to the regulations, penalties for unauthorized international networking will be ordered, and the network will be ordered to stop and be warned.

The reporter found that the regulations on the behavior of individuals "over the wall" have been made clear.

The Executive Meeting of the State Council on January 23, 1996 adopted the "Interim Provisions on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks", which was amended in 1997.

Article 6 of the "Regulations" states that if the computer information network is directly connected to the international network, it must use the international entrance and exit channels provided by the National Public Telecommunications Network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The regulations clearly require that no unit or individual shall establish or use other channels for international networking. If the provisions of Article 6 are violated, the public security organ shall order to stop the network and give a warning, and may also impose a fine of less than 15,000 yuan; if there is illegal income, the illegal income shall be confiscated.

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