Friday, May 29, 2020

Chongqing police cracked a case of making and selling cross-border VPN software

CCTV Chongqing, December 13 (Reporter Chen Peng) Recently, the police in Shapingba District of Chongqing recently investigated and dealt with a case of illegal production and sales of cross-border VPN network software in the special operation of "Net Net 2019". During the investigation, the police found that the VPN was used by people with ulterior motives to access overseas web sites and to carry out cyber fraud, cyber attacks and other related illegal acts. Through the careful investigation in the early stage, the Shapingba police successfully arrested the suspect Ma in a residential building in Hebei District, Tianjin. At the scene, the police seized one computer, one mobile phone and several mobile hard drives.

After questioning, the suspect Ma explained that since March 2018, he rented 13 servers in the United States, Japan, Russia, Singapore and other countries or regions to build a VPN, and posted a large number of posts in the forum to promote and recommend sales to users. According to statistics, during this period, Ma has sold to more than 600 people in total, with a total profit of more than 200,000 yuan. Because Mamou privately established a VPN and provided it to others, in order to make a profit and a large amount, he will be held criminally responsible.

At present, Ma has been criminally detained by the public security organ, and the case is being further processed.

Police reminded: In 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology clearly stipulated that VPN was formally included in the scope of supervision. Without the approval of the telecommunications authority, it is not allowed to establish or rent VPN. The current behavior of making and selling cross-border VPN software is not a telecommunications value-added licensing business. It should be regarded as a category of Internet information network services. To provide such services, the relevant provisions of the "Network Security Law" should be followed, and the laws and regulations should not be fulfilled The relevant liability obligations stipulated that constitute a crime will be subject to criminal liability.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Sangfor VPN equipment was exposed as a breakthrough for overseas hackers, responding that very few users were affected

China Internet Technology, April 7, Shenzhen Convince announced today that the company has paid attention to various reports and news about the company's SSL VPN product vulnerabilities. After receiving the vulnerability information, the company has established an emergency response team as soon as possible in accordance with the emergency response process. To thoroughly investigate the incident. After investigation by the company's technical staff, among the tens of thousands of users of SSL VPN products, only a few users have been affected. The company has taken the initiative to contact the affected users as soon as possible, and assist users to do a good job.

According to the announcement, the investigation and analysis confirmed that the prerequisite for attacking with the SSL VPN product vulnerability is that the SSL VPN management and control authority has been obtained, that is, the attacker can only use the administrator authority of the SSL VPN product of the Shencon service to the attacker The vulnerability launches an attack. Therefore, it is more difficult to exploit the vulnerability of the product.

As of the date of this announcement, the company ’s detection tools (to help users detect whether they have been attacked) and proprietary anti-virus tools (to detect and kill malicious software) for the aforementioned vulnerabilities in SSL VPN products have been completed, and the main version of the repair patch The package (to help users fix vulnerabilities) has been released. The company will provide all SSL VPN product users with free detection tools, exclusive killing tools, repair patch packages and related support services to ensure that all users' SSL VPN product vulnerabilities are detected and repaired.

Said that because the SSL VPN business accounted for a relatively low percentage of the company's overall revenue, after the company's assessment, this incident will not have a substantial impact on the company's operations. The company will comprehensively review the causes of the SSL VPN product vulnerabilities, further increase R & D investment, improve management, reduce the probability of product vulnerabilities as much as possible, and further improve product safety.

Anhui Unicom responds to "Government at will": 1 yuan is the VPN function fee

July 16th news, in response to the recent hot-selling "government affairs at will" business, Anhui Unicom responded, saying that the net transmission of only 1 yuan per month can enjoy the province's free local calls, long-distance, roaming news If wrong, Anhui Unicom stated that 1 yuan is a VPN function fee charged separately from the basic package fee, and free calls are limited to the VPN network.

Anhui Unicom stated that "Government at will" is a "virtual voice network" (VPN) service launched by group customers, and a basic package fee is required. RMB 1 is a VPN function fee charged separately from the basic package fee. Free calls It is only limited to the VPN network, and the duration is limited. Similar products in the industry are not uncommon. Some branches have inaccurate publicity during promotion, which has caused misunderstandings from the outside world. Our company will regulate the business.

Previously, Anhui Unicom publicized that the target of "arbitrary administration of government affairs" was the cadres, employees and their families of party and government organs, institutions in Anhui Province. As long as one yuan is paid, cadres, employees and their families of party and government organs and institutions in the province call each other without charge; all local calls, long-distance and roaming in the province are also free.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

India lifts TikTok download ban: has been restored on Google Play and AppStore

On April 29th, local time in India, TikTok was resumed on Google Play and AppStore in India, which means that the temporary suspension of TikTok in India has been successfully resolved.

Earlier this month, after receiving a lawsuit from a local lawyer, a court in Tamil Nadu, India issued a unilateral interim injunction to the Indian Ministry of Electronic Information without formal hearing. On April 17, Apple and Google App Store removed TikTok at the request of the government. On April 24, the Indian High Court of Madras revoked the previous interim order. On April 29th, India time, TikTok officially resumed listing.

It is reported that TikTok is not the first internet company in trouble in India. According to Reuters, Facebook and WhatsApp, which regards India as its largest market, have been facing regulatory pressure and are required to better handle fake news and monitor the content on the platform. Global video streaming giant Netflix was involved in legal proceedings last year for allegedly insulting the former prime minister of India.

Like Facebook and YouTube, TikTok's international development is not without difficulties and challenges, but each crisis is successfully resolved in a short period of time.

TikTok has always been committed to creating a safe community environment. There are 13 industry-leading measures in the station to escort the safety of every user, including risk warning system, anti-addiction system, comment specific word filtering and safety resource center.

Since July 2018, TikTok India has deleted more than 6 million videos that violate user agreements and community guidelines. According to reports, the TikTok India team has been actively communicating with relevant departments, expressing confidence in India ’s judicial system and information technology rules governing social media platforms. TikTok will continue to strengthen the technical means and content review process to improve the Indian user experience.

The relevant person in charge of TikTok said that TikTok employs nearly 500 people in India, and will continue to expand the team size in the future to provide more localized services for local users.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Experience new VPN protocol anytime, anywhere

The development of the Internet is extremely rapid, the popularity of mobile phones and PCs is unstoppable, and even banks are affected by the Internet. Then do we really enjoy global networking? Promised. No, due to domestic Internet network restrictions, many foreign websites We may not be able to access smoothly, so what should I do when querying important learning materials? At this time, a good VPN protocol is very important. However, many VPN protocols are now unable to connect and use properly. Recently, a website called has become popular. They provide new VPN protocols, making connection more pleasant and faster.

Yewang Freedom focuses on breaking the network blockade. As we all know, now network operators, corporate networks, public Wi-Fi, etc., mostly block some mainstream foreign websites, and after using Yeenet to turn freely, you can easily break through these blockades and achieve unlimited access to global websites. For example, visit the world-famous video site youtube or the famous social networking site facebook. Some network operators may also record your internet browsing, leaking your internet privacy, and connecting to a VPN server or Socks5 proxy that Yenet can freely turn over can hide your internet browsing history. The VPN connections of Yewang Freedom are encrypted. It is precisely because the anonymous network connection is the same as the night, so it is called the night network. Free turning is to break the blockade of the network and enjoy the unlimited network life freely.

After many revisions and upgrades of (, the new protocol is divided into SSH (remarks: support Windows system, Linux system, Mac system), IKEv2 (remarks: a new version of the security protocol, in China It is rarely used. It has a unique feature. When the mobile client changes the network status, encrypted communication will not be interrupted and is very stable.) PPTP, L2TP, CiscoIPSec, Anyconnect and other models can be freely selected according to different uses.

In addition, there is another important issue for the service over the wall, that is, the network speed after the wall. According to the free development team of Yewang, the server uses 1G of bandwidth and the download speed is extremely fast. And unlike other wall-turning applications, the webpage to be turned in is actually going in, and other normal webpages are stuck. Yewang Freedom has a plug-in that points to a separate webpage, and does not point the entire network to a new server, so when users watch the walled webpage, the speed of other content will not be affected. At present, you need to register and purchase to use Yefan freely, and experience the new FAN posture, anytime, any place, any network. There will always be supported flip positions!

VPN is blocked, most iOS devices are affected and cannot be turned over

VPN is blocked, most iOS devices are affected and cannot be turned over. Recently, there are reports that some users in mainland China have reported that they cannot normally use foreign VPN services. At the same time, news about the price increase of VPN services began to spread. In response, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded publicly that some bad information should be regulated in accordance with Chinese laws.

A few days ago, according to the "Global Times" English website reported that China has begun to block foreign VPN services, this news also caused a shock in the domestic "over the wall party." Recently, Wen Ku, director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, was also asked about this issue in an interview. He responded that the development of the Internet in China must be carried out in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations, and some bad information should be managed in accordance with Chinese laws.

Wen Ku said that China's Internet development is obvious to the world, especially in the development of mobile Internet has made great achievements. "We deployed 700,000 TD-LTE base stations. By the end of December, there were more than 90 million 4G users. These 4G users appear to be mobile users, but in fact they are mobile users who use broadband widely. In China, the development of Internet services is also very Effective, well-developed companies have a growth rate of about 40% to 50%. Alibaba ’s listing in the United States, everyone can see that all this stems from a good policy environment for the development of Internet companies by the Chinese government Guarantee. "

There are reports that the "Fire Wall" has begun to block foreign VPN services. VPN provider Astrill has informed users that due to the upgrade of the "Fire Wall", devices using IPSec, L2TP / IPSec and PPTP protocols cannot access its services. "The main impact is iOS devices."

VPN legal operation is not affected

Recently, the Chinese government's management of VPN (Virtual Private Network) has become the focus of outside attention. At the press conference of the State Council of China today, Zhang Feng, a spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that this round of rectification is to clean up unlicensed operations and non-compliance with regulations. influenced.

Foreign companies' offices are not affected and can apply for dedicated lines for cross-border networking

At the press conference, a reporter asked questions and heard that some VPN providers in China have ceased operations. Please confirm or clarify this.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology spokesperson and chief engineer Zhang Feng said that in January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Structure Service Market", mainly to better regulate market behavior, and the main targets for regulation are Without the approval of the telecommunications authorities, enterprises and individuals without the qualification to operate international telecommunications services lease international private lines or VPNs and carry out cross-border telecommunications business operations in violation of regulations.

Zhang Feng said that this will not affect the normal cross-border access to the Internet by domestic and foreign companies and users, as well as various types of business activities legally and in accordance with regulations. The rectification is mainly to clean up those that operate without a license and do not meet the norms. Enterprises and individuals who are in accordance with the law are not affected.

He said that some foreign trade companies and multinational companies need to rent a dedicated line and other means for cross-border networking because of office use, etc., they can rent from the telecommunications business operators who set up international communication entry and exit bureaus according to law. Normal operation has an impact.
Officials deny the requirement to ban personal VPN services

Recently, foreign media reported that the relevant Chinese authorities issued a notice to the three major domestic operators, requesting a ban on personal VPN services. Subsequently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded that "the subordinate bureaus have not issued relevant notices, and foreign media reports have been untrue".

Wen Ku, director of the Information and Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the press conference that China ’s three major operators have done a lot of work in providing services to ordinary people. At the same time, we will also pay attention to some of the needs of ordinary people. Information is not allowed by Chinese law.

According to media reports, Chongqing last year revised and released the "Chongqing Public Security Organ Network Security Management Administrative Penalty Discretionary Benchmark". According to the regulations, penalties for unauthorized international networking will be ordered, and the network will be ordered to stop and be warned.

The reporter found that the regulations on the behavior of individuals "over the wall" have been made clear.

The Executive Meeting of the State Council on January 23, 1996 adopted the "Interim Provisions on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks", which was amended in 1997.

Article 6 of the "Regulations" states that if the computer information network is directly connected to the international network, it must use the international entrance and exit channels provided by the National Public Telecommunications Network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The regulations clearly require that no unit or individual shall establish or use other channels for international networking. If the provisions of Article 6 are violated, the public security organ shall order to stop the network and give a warning, and may also impose a fine of less than 15,000 yuan; if there is illegal income, the illegal income shall be confiscated.